反正,赌博(体育博彩)是我在4年前中学的时候上瘾的。在1或2个月的时间里,我就已经失去了1000-1500英镑(也许2000美元)。4年的时间,我曾经用自我排斥的方法远离博彩网站。 在6星期前,我又因为简单无聊的生活而开始赌博,我有一个良好的技巧,在6个星期中获得600美元。但在过去的3天里,我几乎失去了所有的钱(也许550美元)。所以我现在又开始进行自我排斥的方法。不像酒,我还没有到赌博成瘾而到达慢性或急性的阶段,但我知道,如果我继续,我可能会需要几个月、一年或两年的时间来戒赌。
I am 27, I have a slight gambling problem right now, I was a heavy alcoholic from age 17-25, but with the help of medication (something like disulfiram) & will-power, I managed to somehow get out of it since 2 years. Though I have occasional short relapses, the medication helps me to get out completely again in few days.
Anyways, gambling (sports betting) was my secondary addiction & 4 years ago, I must have lost 1000-1500 UK pounds (maybe 2000 US $) in a matter of 1 or 2 months. I used the self-exclusion option 4 yrs ago & havent touch a betting website in 4 years. 6 weeks ago, I started gambling again, simply out of boredom & & I had a good run, making 600 $ in 6 weeks. But in the last 3 days, I lost nearly all of it (maybe 550 USD)。 So I now have self-excluded myself again. Unlike alcohol, I am not yet in the chronic or hardcore stages of gambling addiction yet, but I know if I continue, I probably will in a few months or maybe a year or 2.
This last weekend I lost above 500 USD ( I live in India, so this is like 50% of my salary) & eventhough overall, I have not made any losses in the last 6 weeks, losing Rs. 23000 or above 500 USD in 2 days is making very sad, angry & depressed & I have the need to ‘win it back’. But I hope & think I will not return to it. I was a terrible hopeless alcoholic & lost my dream girl, job, money, self-confidence, peace of mind, etc. bcoz of it. I have recovered most of it (except a wife/ girl), but I know gambling is as bad (maybe even worse) than alcohol. Also, whereas there is a medicine for alcohol for me (it does work!), I know there is no medicine for gambling. So I really hope I can stop now before it becomes a too serious issue & I become completely addicted.