Baccarat: Las Vegas ups the ante for baccarat security
Las Vegas—What is a seven letter game which means high-limits, simple rules, and natural thief attractor Baccarat. This table game is one of the few table games on the rise in this recession stricken city.
Cash-rich Asians love Baccarat as well as money hungry criminals. At $100,000 per hand, thieves view Baccarat as being “ripe for the picking,” according to security consultant Bill Zender.
The con is easy. Baccarat players must draw a third based upon their wager. The con-person then now is able to determine the order of the following cards. Zender concurs by stating cheats will be profitable “if they know the next 40 cards.” The result would be approximately eight hands of winnings.
What the casinos are attempting to combat the potential loss is embedding playing and shuffled cards with radio frequency identification chip. Once the cards pass over the reads, the cards will be able to be tracked.
This is a win-win situation for the casinos. They will have the ability to track unusual winning patterns or if non-tracked cards are incorporated into the decks. The second win is the protection of their money. The San Diego based Tran Organization is believed to have stolen close to $15 million from casinos over a four year period.
Look out thieves, the house always wins.