





  有些玩家可能会向赌场服务员表示,他们损失了很多(潜台词:不给小费)。 但请记住,许多服务员也会做出表示,这不是他们的错,而是你的云去不佳。如果你,如果你能留下小费,下一次你可能在赌桌上碰上好时机,发挥你的好运气。

  美国的服务员有15%左右的小费提示(如果服务优秀的话是20%),英国则是10%左右。你应付的小费是你所获筹码的15%(或10%)。所以,如果你获得价值100美元的筹码,适当的小费是15美元,如果呆在赌桌旁边的时间长度是合理的。许多赌场服务员的工薪是按小时计算的,每一个小时就有一个小费提示,通常是5块钱一个小时,或者10块钱一个小时。这当然可以取决于你打赌的多少。如果您投注$ 10,那么这可能不够付小费,但如果你是贵宾会员,并奠定了$ 100,000的赌注,一个小时5元小费显得有些吝啬。在拉斯维加斯,5元一个小时的小费是最起码的,如果你是那里的赌桌上玩游戏。

  有一个好办法,这个办法可以使赌场服务员放下“微型提示”。你只需要把你的赌注换成不同的筹码。或者,您可以给服务员一个大俗气眼色,呃… …我们是在开玩笑,不给他大俗气眼色。




  How to Tip a Dealer When you are Playing at a Casino

  Here?s an interesting question that was posed by one of our lovely readers.

  When you are at a casino, do you tip the dealer? And if the answer is yes, when and how do you tip the dealer or croupier at a casino?

  Well, the first thing to think through, is where in the world you are. Tipping customs vary enormously by country. So while tipping in a casino is the norm in the US (and some would say compulsory, although we would say that tipping should never be compulsory), if you are playing at the casino in Barcelona and you tipped the dealer, the locals would look at you as if you?d just gone mad. They hardly ever tip the cabbies, let alone the dealers at a casino.

  If you are in Las Vegas, or in the States generally, it?s courteous to tip (if the service is good)。 An to a lesser extent in the UK as well. If you are in Europe, you?d probably tip in Monaco, but nowhere else. And you?d tip in Macau.

  How to Tip a Casino Dealer

  Some players will only tip if they?ve won (it?s certainly less painful)- but remember, that many dealers depend on the tips, and it?s not their fault if you have had a rotten run of luck. If you?ve had a good time at the table, leave a tip if you can. It might stand you in good stead the next time you play at the table.

  Give the dealer a tip of around 15% in the US (20% if the service is excellent) and around 10% in the UK. That?s 15% (or 10%) of the amount you buy in chips NOT the amount you bet by the way. So if you sit down with $100 worth of chips, a $15 tip would be appropriate if you are at the table for a reasonable length of time. Many people work out a tip per hour and stick with that, so 5 bucks an hour, or 10 bucks an hour. It depends how much you are betting, of course. If you are betting $10 a hand, then that?s probably fine, but if you are in the VIP section laying down $100,000 bets, then $5 an hour is going to look a little stingy. I would say $5 an hour is the minimum you should be tipping at Vegas if you are playing on the table games and you don?t want to be lynched (!)

  A good way of doing this, is to lay down “micro-tips”, ie small amounts throughout the game. When you place your bet, put another chip down and say “one for the dealer”。 The dealer picks up the winnings if your numbers or cards come in. This is often called “The Dealer riding in my Slipstream”。

  Or, you can tip the dealer every now and then throughout the session. Just place a chip on the table away from the betting areas and say “one for the dealer” and give him a big cheesy wink (er…we were joking- don?t give him the big cheesy wink)。

  The other technique, is to tip the dealer at the end of your session. Don?t give it straight to the dealer (the casinos aren?t keen on it), just place the chips on the table as you head off and say “Cheers- for the dealer.)

  If you are playing slots, or video roulette then you won?t have a dealer to tip, of course. If a waitress or waiter fetches you a free drink however, make sure you tip them – they will be on the minimum wage.

  And if you are playing online? There?s no need to tip of course! Invest your tips in the games. You?ll have 15-20% extra in your bankroll……another reason to play online, but then we would say that wouldn?t we ?